Support...Others, Community, and Your Well-Being. Part 3 of 4.
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When the going gets tough, the tough get these women have. They remind us that America is about the greater good...
Anjali Gupta
- 4 min
Support...Others, Community, and Your Well-Being. Part 2 of 4.
How are nonprofits adapting in this new environment and what are the opportunities for their organizations?
Anjali Gupta
- 4 min
Support....Others, Community, and Your Well-Being. Part 1 of 4.
The pandemic provides ample opportunity to help others in a variety of ways. Next 4 blogs are on nonprofits and their leaders hard at work.
Anjali Gupta
- 4 min
The Children In This Pandemic
Increased stress in the home from altered work life balance and uncertainty can affect the safe space and reassurance that children need.
Anjali Gupta
- 5 min
Pandemic Parenting This Summer
What is some helpful advice for parents through the summer break?
Anjali Gupta
- 4 min
Racism and Mental Health
Research shows that an individual's mental health can be affected not only by direct race-based trauma but also by vicarious trauma.
Anjali Gupta
- 3 min
Mental Health During This Pandemic
How do you know if your anxiety or depression symptoms are part of a normal stress reaction or if you should seek treatment?
Anjali Gupta
- 4 min
Covid Continued
What is the situation now as we head into the summer? What are experts saying?
Anjali Gupta
- 2 min
Caps Off To The Class of 2020
Original Post May 18, 2020. Many educators and organizations have worked quickly to provide virtual learning resources. Students of all...
Anjali Gupta
- 3 min
Am I Doing Enough?
So how do we help? What should we do? We each need to figure out what makes sense for us, and it won't look the same for everyone.
Anjali Gupta
- 4 min
Exercise: Treat Yourself
Finding time for exercise is even more important during this pandemic. Do what you love, find ways to be accountable, and keep it simple.
Anjali Gupta
- 3 min
The Quarantine Garden
As we pondered plans for the months ahead, the idea of a vegetable garden again re-surfaced in my mind.
Anjali Gupta
- 3 min
Organizing Our Quarantine Homes
Cleaning services curtailed + crowded households + increased time at home + more meals cooked =
More daily mess.:)
Anjali Gupta
- 2 min
Love In The Time Of Covid
Never have I appreciated more one of the loves of my life...reading.
Anjali Gupta
- 4 min
The Healthy Humorist: The Role of Humor
What is the appropriate role for humor amidst the difficulties and sad stories all around us?
Anjali Gupta
- 3 min
Change It Up With Chickpeas In Five Easy Steps
Yesterday I tried two new chickpea recipes that are both super easy. 5 steps and the first step is to preheat the oven:).
Anjali Gupta
- 6 min
Interview with World Central Kitchen CEO, An Inspirational Leader Through This Pandemic
World Central Kitchen has been a leader in our national efforts. What can we learn as a country from them?
Anjali Gupta
- 4 min
7 Tips For Parents And Their Young Adults Back Home
University students, usually independent and
self- sufficient on campuses, have needed to move back home with their families.
Anjali Gupta
- 2 min
Combine These 3 C's During Covid
These families have found a way for CONNECTION + COOKING + COMPETITION (friendly and casual :).
Anjali Gupta
- 3 min
Connecting on the 20 Porches by Lincoln's Summer Cottage
The concept of the porch is particularly special during these quarantine days on the oldest street in DC.
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