This is a difficult time that might include concern for loved ones, changes in financial situations, food insecurity, health concerns, crowded households and more. These can be difficult life stressors, and your situation may require professional medical and vocational assistance. Here are a few techniques that may also be useful to relieve feelings of stress. You will find resources and articles in these sections below:
Activities You Love
Articles (See the Yale Adult Guidelines for Understanding and Coping With Reactions in a Pandemic)
Exercise can impact serotonin levels which can elevate mood.
Virtual pilates at solidcore is $15/class
7 minute workout: Don't need anything. Just your body. 12 high-intensity exercises: do as many reps for 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest between.
The Exercise Everyone Should Be Doing At Home During The Pandemic: Squats
WHO: Be Active During COVID-19
More Evidence That Exercise Can Boost Mood
(Click here to see more on Exercise on the Physical Page)
Yoga may be helpful with anxiety and depression. Find a local teacher doing a virtual class. Try CorePower on YouTube. Try an app.
Women's Health: 10 Best Yoga Apps
Read evidence-based studies on the benefits of Transcendental Meditation (TM) and contact a teacher. Try an app.
12 Meditation Tips During The Coronavirus Pandemic
10 Best Meditation Apps To Help With Anxiety
What brings you inner peace? What makes you delve and you lose track of time? Reading...music...organizing...dancing...something else?
Find it & embrace it. These activities can keep you engaged with manageable goals and also provide necessary distractions during this pandemic.
Money, Stress and Mental Health
Growth After Disaster: Going Beyond Resilience
Drinking Has Surged During The Pandemic. Do You Know The Signs Of Addiction?
Flatten The Mental Health Curve By Fixing Our Broken Mental Health System
Anxiety Management 101: A Brief, Timely Refresher
184 Days At Sea Alone...These Daily Rituals Kept Her Going
3 Secrets From A Submarine For Overcoming Coronavirus Stress
Yale: Adult Guidelines for Understanding and Coping With Reactions in a Pandemic
APA: Coronavirus & Mental Health: Taking Care of Ourselves During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
APA: Working Remotely During COVID-19: Your Mental Health and Well-Being
SAMHSA: Tips for Social Distancing, Quarantine, and Isolation During An Infectious Disease Outbreak
Feeling Anxious About the Coronavirus? A Stanford Psychiatrist Offers Tips
17 Totally Normal Things To Feel Right Now, According To Therapists
Quarantine Survival Tips for Extroverts and Perfectionists - And Those Who Live With Them
Anxiety is Contagious. Here's How To Contain It
That Discomfort You Are Feeling is Grief
Harvard Health: Coping With Coronavirus
WSJ: After A Hurricane, New Confidence
Trouble Focusing? Not Sleeping? You May Be Grieving
On Coronavirus Lockdown? Look For Meaning, Not Happiness
Overeating During The Shutdown? Research Says Don't Beat Yourself Up-
Click here to see the blog: Grief Guru? I Would Pick These Two