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23 STATESPhotos above taken on walks during COVID-19 from people in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. 

Thank you to Beth, Charlotte, Jan, Jane, Jayshree, Jeff, Kate, Kristin, Lee, Lisa, another Lisa, Lynne, Malvika, Melissa, Michelle, Molly, Priya, Samantha, Sarah, another Sarah, Sharon, Stacey, Sushma, Tina, another Tina, and Tommy!

Sections below:

  • Nutrition

  • Sleep

  • Exercise In Nature

  • Prevention


Healthy eating can be difficult due to stress, limited groceries, and inadequate food supplies. Keep consistent mealtimes. If possible, try to consume a varied diet with all the food groups, healthy snacks, plenty of water, and vitamins. 

Harvard Health:  Eating During COVID-19

Food Safety, Nutrition, And Wellness During COVID-19

For Quarantine Cooking Ideas, See The Explorational Page.


Sleep may be disturbed with stress.  Try and keep a consistent bedtime routine and minimize caffeine later in the day.  Did you know that eating foods high in tryptophan may assist with sleep?  Your body converts the amino acid tryptophan to 5-HTP which is a precursor to melatonin. Tryptophan rich foods include seeds, nuts, fish, meats, beans, chicken, eggs, cheese, etc.

Rested Life:  Sleep Hygiene Fact Sheet

World Sleep Day:  10 Tips To Better Sleep

How To Get More Sleep Tonight


Physical distancing can include a run or bike ride or a walk outside.  Breathe some fresh air, listen to an energizing podcast, stop for a photograph, watch a bird, or phone a friend.  Someone on your path?  Create distance by crossing the street, moving a lane, or making a detour.

A Possible Remedy For Pandemic Stress:  Exercise

Exercising During Coronavirus:  Can I Jog? Is That Water Fountain Safe?

Harvard Health:  Living Better, Living Longer Episode 35:  How To Get Some Exercise-Safely-At Home Wile Sheltering In Place

Why Walking Matters-Now More Than Ever


Frequent and thorough hand washing, social distancing, limiting exposure to crowds, covering your mouth and nose, and disinfecting surfaces can help to prevent infection. 

*Early studies are showing Vitamin D may have a role in Covid mortality rates.

FDA Warns Against Using 9 Hand Sanitizers That May Contain Toxic Methanol

CDC:  How To Protect Yourself and Others

Harvard Health:  Preventing the Spread of Coronavirus

Harvard Health:  Coronavirus Resource Center

Vitamin D Appears To Play a Role In Covid Mortality Rates

7 Effective Ways To Increase Your Vitamin D Levels

NIH:  Vaccine Trials

Can You Get The Virus From A Surface?

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